words and music
copyright © 2015 by
Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby
copyright © 2015 by
Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby
All hail us, and heed us
And read us, and quote us
The Supreme Court Republicans of the United States
They brought a case before us - a ruling we upheld
A private corporation can’t be legally compelled
If it violates its deep religious credo
To insure an employee against her wild … libido
For in our esteemed opinion, a woman has the right
To work for Hobby Lobby and to keep her legs shut tight
And the company, like a church, has its morality
No other church sells Elmer’s glue, but that’s a technicality
All hail us, and heed us
And read us, and quote us
Now reproductive matters are private, oh yes ma’am
To be discussed between a woman’s boss and Franklin Graham
And we all recall that sexism and bigotry
Began when Eve corrupted Adam, had him wear a fig-a-tree
Yes, the laws of health insurance are full of ifs and buts
They’re covering our penises, but not your who-zee-whats
We’re insuring for Viagra and vasectomy
You say, “Well, that’s a double standard,” and that sounds correct to me.
The Supreme Court Republicans of the United States
John Roberts - rigid as a ramrod
A model for all Constitutional students
And Samuel Alito puts the “prude” in jurisprudence
And Antonin Scalia, a genius
Or so his bio promises
Someday his head will just explode, then so will Clarence Thomas’s
And Anthony Kennedy is a swinger
We’re certainly glad to have counted him in
We’re not the Warren Court
We’re the country that’s waging war on women
A corporation is a person - moreover, it’s a man
A woman is a helpmate for to please him if she can
And a man may worship any god he pleases
Just so long as his religion is approved by Jesus
All hail us, and heed us
And read us, and quote us
But Ginsburg and Breyer, Kagan and Sotamayor
Booed us
They said the SCROTUS
Screwed us!
And read us, and quote us
The Supreme Court Republicans of the United States
They brought a case before us - a ruling we upheld
A private corporation can’t be legally compelled
If it violates its deep religious credo
To insure an employee against her wild … libido
For in our esteemed opinion, a woman has the right
To work for Hobby Lobby and to keep her legs shut tight
And the company, like a church, has its morality
No other church sells Elmer’s glue, but that’s a technicality
All hail us, and heed us
And read us, and quote us
Now reproductive matters are private, oh yes ma’am
To be discussed between a woman’s boss and Franklin Graham
And we all recall that sexism and bigotry
Began when Eve corrupted Adam, had him wear a fig-a-tree
Yes, the laws of health insurance are full of ifs and buts
They’re covering our penises, but not your who-zee-whats
We’re insuring for Viagra and vasectomy
You say, “Well, that’s a double standard,” and that sounds correct to me.
The Supreme Court Republicans of the United States
John Roberts - rigid as a ramrod
A model for all Constitutional students
And Samuel Alito puts the “prude” in jurisprudence
And Antonin Scalia, a genius
Or so his bio promises
Someday his head will just explode, then so will Clarence Thomas’s
And Anthony Kennedy is a swinger
We’re certainly glad to have counted him in
We’re not the Warren Court
We’re the country that’s waging war on women
A corporation is a person - moreover, it’s a man
A woman is a helpmate for to please him if she can
And a man may worship any god he pleases
Just so long as his religion is approved by Jesus
All hail us, and heed us
And read us, and quote us
But Ginsburg and Breyer, Kagan and Sotamayor
Booed us
They said the SCROTUS
Screwed us!