(from the album "Real American")
(from the album "Real American")
words and music
copyright © 2008
by Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby
copyright © 2008
by Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby
This machine speaks truth to power
This machine saves baby seals
This machine sends fear and ignorance
To their certain doom
This machine drives Neo-con
Jingoistic, war-mongering
Xenophobic crypto-fascists from the room
This machine is the Bell of Freedom
At the end of class
This machine is the Hammer of Justice
And the Can Opener of Whoop-Ass
This machine has a liberal bias
As you might assume
This machine drives Neo-con
Jingoistic, war-mongering
Theocratic, faux-populist
Xenophobic crypto-fascists from the room
Yes, it’s all about bringing people together. Bringing all kinds of people together, whether they want to be brought together or not. Forcing people together, to live in perfect harmony like the strings of a banjo. Okay, bad example. ‘Cause there’s so much we have in common. Even Radical Islam and our own Radical Right have something in common, and that’s homophobia.
So if I have just one message for you tonight
It’s “Do good in the world,“ and “Love each other”
And that’s two messages
So if I have just the one message for you tonight
It’s “Do each other.”
This music is the Spirit of Hope and Change
Yes it is
‘Cause whenever people hear it, they hope it changes
This machine shuts down the combine
This machine turns Red states Blue
This machine survived the Cold War
And the Comedy Boom
This machine reaches out to Conservatives
I’ll tell you why
That’s the only way you’re ever gonna
Poke them in the eye
Anywhere you find good people
People singing Kum...baya
This machine drives Neo-con
Jingoistic, war-mongering
Theocratic, faux-populist
Drill-aholic, social Darwinist,
Racist, sexist, isolationist
Tax cheat, C Street
Hard line, strip mine
Tea bag, Confederate flag
Flat Earthers
And Brit Hume
Screaming from the room
This machine saves baby seals
This machine sends fear and ignorance
To their certain doom
This machine drives Neo-con
Jingoistic, war-mongering
Xenophobic crypto-fascists from the room
This machine is the Bell of Freedom
At the end of class
This machine is the Hammer of Justice
And the Can Opener of Whoop-Ass
This machine has a liberal bias
As you might assume
This machine drives Neo-con
Jingoistic, war-mongering
Theocratic, faux-populist
Xenophobic crypto-fascists from the room
Yes, it’s all about bringing people together. Bringing all kinds of people together, whether they want to be brought together or not. Forcing people together, to live in perfect harmony like the strings of a banjo. Okay, bad example. ‘Cause there’s so much we have in common. Even Radical Islam and our own Radical Right have something in common, and that’s homophobia.
So if I have just one message for you tonight
It’s “Do good in the world,“ and “Love each other”
And that’s two messages
So if I have just the one message for you tonight
It’s “Do each other.”
This music is the Spirit of Hope and Change
Yes it is
‘Cause whenever people hear it, they hope it changes
This machine shuts down the combine
This machine turns Red states Blue
This machine survived the Cold War
And the Comedy Boom
This machine reaches out to Conservatives
I’ll tell you why
That’s the only way you’re ever gonna
Poke them in the eye
Anywhere you find good people
People singing Kum...baya
This machine drives Neo-con
Jingoistic, war-mongering
Theocratic, faux-populist
Drill-aholic, social Darwinist,
Racist, sexist, isolationist
Tax cheat, C Street
Hard line, strip mine
Tea bag, Confederate flag
Flat Earthers
And Brit Hume
Screaming from the room