words and music
copyright © 2015 by
Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby
copyright © 2015 by
Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby
A millenium ago in 1985, when famine threatened the continent of Africa, Michael Jackson and a supergroup of pop music luminaries responded with “We Are the World,” a song so powerful it made Americans think about hunger and poverty for seven minutes and fourteen seconds at a time.
Now, the threat of Climate Change hangs over the world like a dark metaphor of actual carbon particles, and a new supergroup - Ted Nugent, Donald Trump, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma - have responded in song...
There comes a time
When the planet’s going to hell
And we all wake up and smell the permafrost
And the ocean level’s rising
All the experts tell us so
And we’re doomed to fry, and starve and die - pthhhhhht!
What do experts know?
We are the worst
cestors ever
No, there has never been a generation worse than us
And if our children’s children ever get together
They’ll roll their eyes and say,
“Why didn’t they make a better day?”
Take it from me
Global Warming is a hoax
Perpetrated by the folks who make those “wind farms”
Yes Virginia, there’s a Santa Claus
But there isn’t a North Pole
I say come on, people, let’s get together
And win the War on Coal
We are the worst
Ancestors ever
No, there will never be a generation worse than us
And if our children’s children’s children get together
They’ll roll their eyes and say,
“Why didn’t they make a better day?”
The Greatest Generation beat the Nazis
The Cold War Generation beat the Reds, yes they did
The Beat Generation beat the bongos
But this Great Generation
Will be the first Great Generation
To beat their own Great
Great grandkids
We are the worst
Ancestors ever
And tell me, what have future generation ever done for us?
And if our children’s children’s children’s children’s children
find a place on Mars where they might stay
They might say
“Who were those crackpots anyway?”
Now, the threat of Climate Change hangs over the world like a dark metaphor of actual carbon particles, and a new supergroup - Ted Nugent, Donald Trump, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma - have responded in song...
There comes a time
When the planet’s going to hell
And we all wake up and smell the permafrost
And the ocean level’s rising
All the experts tell us so
And we’re doomed to fry, and starve and die - pthhhhhht!
What do experts know?
We are the worst
cestors ever
No, there has never been a generation worse than us
And if our children’s children ever get together
They’ll roll their eyes and say,
“Why didn’t they make a better day?”
Take it from me
Global Warming is a hoax
Perpetrated by the folks who make those “wind farms”
Yes Virginia, there’s a Santa Claus
But there isn’t a North Pole
I say come on, people, let’s get together
And win the War on Coal
We are the worst
Ancestors ever
No, there will never be a generation worse than us
And if our children’s children’s children get together
They’ll roll their eyes and say,
“Why didn’t they make a better day?”
The Greatest Generation beat the Nazis
The Cold War Generation beat the Reds, yes they did
The Beat Generation beat the bongos
But this Great Generation
Will be the first Great Generation
To beat their own Great
Great grandkids
We are the worst
Ancestors ever
And tell me, what have future generation ever done for us?
And if our children’s children’s children’s children’s children
find a place on Mars where they might stay
They might say
“Who were those crackpots anyway?”